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Cloud Computing Weekly Digest #1

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Cloud Computing Weekly Newsletter is a weekly digest of all the major development and updates that happened in major cloud providers like GCP, AWS, Azure.

Hi all,

Welcome to the Cloud weekly digest week #1 (20th Jul 2020— 24th July 2020). Last week's highlights from major cloud providers are based on technologies such as KafkaMachine LearningElasticsearchNetworkingData Analytics & Infrastructure.


  • AWS introduces Migration Evaluator which will help businesses to Fastrack their migration Journey. Amazon will provide program managers and solution architect expertise in order to create business cases for customers and help them in understanding cloud migration strategies and associate cost. More info
  • AWS introduced new Solution Implementation “AWS Content Analysis” which will be useful to generate insights from media files. This solution implementation will combine various ML solutions on AWS to analyze customer's video content and generate insights. More Info.

Do you know There are many other AWS Solution Implementation already available for various use cases in the domain like data lake , data analytics, storage, blockchain etc

  • AWS Connect which a contact center solution(like zendesk, zohodesk), on AWS, released call recording API which will be useful for a start, stop, pause, resume the activity of call recording. More info
  • Contact Lens is now in GA, it is an ML-based solution for Amazon Connect which will be useful in analyzing call by keywords, phrases. Contact Lens can also redact sensitive information automatically in order to comply with certain compliance. More Info
  • Amazon Lightsail which is a cloud platform that provides virtual private servers( includes VM, SSD storage, Data transfer, DNS Management, etc) to build web apps like WordPress, now offers CDN Distribution for content delivery. With CDN offering now we can accelerate distribute content all over the world. It uses various mechanism such as cache, serves from nearest location, TLS termination by offloading Cryptographic processing make content access much faster. More info
  • AWS Redesigned its console for SQS Service. SQS is a simple queue service. SQS is a simple queue service that is suitable for simple messaging use cases. More info
  • AWS announced support for Elasticsearch 7.7 miner release which focuses on lesser heap memory and improved query for time-based indices. If you don’t know, Amazon elastic search is Fully Managed ELK stack which operates on a pay as you go, model. More info

Do you know there is two managed elastic service competing on AWS, yes that’s right. AWS Elasticsearch Service and Elastic Managed Elasticsearch Service. Here is the comparison sheet

  • AWS VPC resources (such as network, subnets, security groups, Internet Gateways, etc.) support tag on creating, this will ease the need to run a separate script to add a tag to the resource. More info


  • Recommendation AI is now available in Public BetaIt is an ML as a service for a personalized recommendation. Plus google cloud is also giving $600 free credit to try out the product. Google is utilizing recommendations in its flagship products like Youtube and google search for years, and with recommendation AI they want other organizations to provide better-personalized experience to their customer at scale. Initial training and tuning can take from 2–5 days and then can be used by customers. We can update our model later using changing catalog & user behavior. More info
  • Migrate and Modernize On-Perm Data Lake with Managed Kafka, In this blog, Google explains that the Data analytics field has been changing a lot due to innovation in storage, compute, and networking. Plus emergence of tools like Hadoop, Spark, Kafka has shaped the way we do data lake and data warehousing practice. So in this cloud computing world, doing data lake and data warehouse in the right way is very important to be a in the market. Keep everything in the data lake is emerging. Data warehouse enforces importance strict schema on data hence storing everything Data warehouse is not possible. But due to cloud storage, we can keep all the business data (events, database, files, audio, video, images) into cloud storage efficiently in a cost-effective manner irrespective of the type of (Structured or Unstructured). During the early part of 2010, Hadoop gains popularity and emerged as defacto for data lakes, but also brought many issues together such as difficult to manage, slow running jobs, etc. Plus data in Hadoop is not ideal for stream processing, which is totally changed by advent of new technology like Apache Kafka which focuses more on event stream than batches. Now we can Migrate on-prep Hadoop data to the cloud using Kafka and using Kafka replicator to the cloud. Confluent provides managed Kafka which takes out the pain of the migration. Plus our existing services can send data to Kafka cluster in the cloud directly and we can use serverless, scalable AI & Data platform services to build a robust solution.BlogLink
  • CIO Guide for Application Modernization, In this blog google cloud, shared a pdf guide for application modernization. Download
  • Better cost analytics capabilities and Simpler Invoice, This blog explains how google understood customers' pain in a detailed billing report earlier and keep improving cloud console to provide better insights regarding cost. Google understood that its customers using a lot of google services across various projects hence the enhanced their billing report by using easy to understand charts and graphs. Additionally, google cloud also provide CSV file which can be exported into Google BigQuery when a customer wants to do data-driven analytics by themselves. BlogLink
  • Using redirect/rewrite feature in External Https Load Balancer, In Google cloud, we have two types of load balancers broadly speaking. The internal load balancer and external load balancer. In April this year, google cloud release two new features inside google external Https load balancer I.e Rewrite & Redirect. This blog explains some of the use cases of google cloud customers with the new features in External Https Load Balancer. Examples: Http resource to Https resource redirect, A/B testing can be performed using Query parameter in the URL, Backend resource can be reorganized with new resource URL. BlogLink

Microsoft Azure

  • Hashicorp Consul Now GA on AzureIf you don’t know, Hashicorp Consul provides features such as service mesh, service discovery, load balancing, key-value store, Health Check. it is open source. Consul on Azure will provide fully managed service so that it reduces pain point of complex operation overhead(including upgrade, patch, etc.)We can provision Consul through Azure marketplace and billing will be included in Azure billing for centralized billing experience. Now its become super easy to integrate with Azure Kubernetes (AKS). More info
  • Innovate in Azure with confidence, in this blog azure mentions that companies in this pandemic rethinking their operations and engaging with their customers In new ways. Customers are using the Azure cloud more than before for building application and analytics solutions.A common pattern among the customers is to use .NET code with Azure App Service and Azure SQL database. Some customers who want to build an app from the ground up based on micro-service using Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Cosmos DB(NoSQL DB), and Azure DB for PostgreSQL & Integration with Azure Cognitive services and. They also mentioned that according to Gartner by 2023 more than 70% of organizations will run at least 2 containerized apps in production, up from less than 20% from 2019. For analytics, solution customers are using Azure Synapse analytics as a data warehouse solution with PowerBI as a Business Intelligence tool. BlogLink
  • Enabling customers for success on Azure, In this blog, azure mentioned that pandemic has challenged every organization in their business principle, models, strategies, operations, and sales process. Technology is the main building block in this pandemic. And business wants to build new services which are secure, reliable, meeting new business challenges & driving innovation and fulfill these needs adoption of cloud computing has seen a surge in demand. Hence Microsoft is also investing in customer success so that the adoption of cloud can be smoother.
  • Deliver hybrid cloud capabilities with the next generation of Azure Stack HCI, In this blog, Azure talked about Azure Stack HCI which is a recent addition to the Azure Stack family. Azure stack helps the company to run in a hybrid environment, where azure customers can also run some of their applications into remote offices, on-prem data centers with high-performance virtualization. Azure stack enabling customers to manage & operate on-prem and cloud both environments from the Azure portal. Azure stack HCI can also integrate with Azure services like backup, security & azure monitor. Azure stack HCI is a solution for organizations that wants to reduce data center cost especially for legacy hardware and Storage Area Network (SAN) environments.AWS outpost and Google hybrid cloud — Anthos can be considered a competitor in the hybrid cloud space along with Azure Stack. BlogLink
  • Introducing the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework, In this blog, azure introduced the Well-Architected Framework which provides a set of best practices to build great solutions on azure. It is divided into 5 pillars. Cost management, Operational Excellence, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, Security. FrameworkBlogLink

If you have some feedback or suggestion please write in the comments section or mail me at I would love to implement your suggestions.

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Thank you for reading. see you next week in the cloud!


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